About Us
Company Overview
SeaContainers Depot Corporation is located in Navotas it is about 5 kilometer away from the two international container port in Manila MICP and ATI.
SeaCon empty depot facilities can handle 3,500 TEU’S in a land area of 2.5 hectares in addition to storage of empty containers of international shipping lines the company also provides other services to enhance the efficiency and containers readiness for the company’s shipping principals.
These services includes among other hot and cold high-pressure steam washer, container repair and GOH equally important is the web-base container aging and tracking facility. these manage software and web-base facilities is given directly and exclusively in favor of respective container shipping company the real time access and tracking is a great management information that will allow the principal or its agent an undue advantage.

Vision :
Our Vision is to be the leading off-dock container yard by delivering efficient container handling services.
Mission :
To provide highly efficient, safe and reliable container services to our clients/Customers and to ensure the success our business with integrity, equity and stewardship.
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Our Team
SeaContainer recognize that well trained and reliable personnel are the key to success in every business and operations. Hence, all SeaContainer staffs are professionally trained to provide first class service to customers. In addition field personnel were also trained to provide on and off-site valued added service as well as the other specific needs of the customer.